Best Way To Paint Cabinetss

If you are looking to remodel your kitchen or bathroom you will do well to learn a little bit about what the best way to paint cabinets is. The good news is that painting cabinets is easy and it also is an economical way of remodeling your kitchen cabinets and bathroom cabinets. If your cabinets are old, then it pays to repaint them rather than buy new cabinets. A new color will change the look and feel of your cabinet and make it look new once more.

Not a hard job

Though the job of painting a cabinet is not a hard one, it is also a time consuming process and it has to be completed in different stages. It is certainly a good idea to start off by purchasing all the required supplies and you also need to prepare your cabinets for the new paint before doing anything else. A good primer must also be bought and used to ensure that the paint that you apply will stick well.

1 Gather supplies and tools

The first thing that you have to do in order to paint your cabinets in the most effective way is gather all the necessary supplies and tools. You must buy the following:

2. Take the cabinet apart

After gathering all the necessary supplies and tools, you will then have to take the cabinets apart. This means removing the doors and drawers as well as other hardware including hinges. You must also remove the doorknobs and everything that has been removed must then be stored in zip-lock bags which in turn can be placed in a large sized bag. Make sure that you take your time in removing all the hardware. If you do things in haste, you can easily do some unwanted damage.

3. Prepare the surface

Once this step has been completed, it is then time to prepare the surface of the cabinet. You can start off by sanding the cabinet to roughen up the surface as then the new paint will adhere much more easily. Once you have sanded the doors and the surface of your cabinets, you then need to clean everything up with some cleaner mixed in warm water. This helps in removing all traces of debris and dust as well as cobwebs and grease. Allow the cabinet to dry and then apply some painting tape to the cabinet’s edges and on the counter top as well as any other surface. This will help to protect the surface from paint.

Apply primer

Before painting your cabinet, be sure to apply primer on the cabinet. You can use a bonding primer which can be brushed. A couple of coats of bonding primer are normally enough at this stage and you also need to allow up to four hours for the primer to dry.

Paint the cabinet

The next step involves the actual painting of the cabinet. Use steady strokes and in one direction only. Traditional style brushes are good for this though you can also use foam rollers. Be sure to give up to four hours for each coat of paint to dry before applying the next coat.

Last but not least, allow a day for the paint to dry and then reattach the hardware and doors that you had removed prior to starting the paint work.

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Best Way To Paint Cabinets