How To Paint Vinyl Cabinets

If the thought of spending a lot of money on remodeling your kitchen or bathroom scares you, you can take heart from the fact that you can achieve comparable results by giving your vinyl cabinets a new coat of paint. Painting the vinyl cabinet is a cheaper and much more stress-free option and one that is worth checking out. However, the job of painting vinyl cabinets is not as easy as one might be expecting. The right products and proper preparation as well as application of paint can help you achieve desired results.

What you need

First of all, it pays to have a few things on hand. These include:

1. Purchase the paint and primer

Start off by purchasing the paint and primer and also purchase interior primer that is staining blocking and which has high abrasive properties. Also, go out and purchase semi-gloss or even glossy paint.With these items on hand, it is time to get down to the task of painting vinyl cabinets.

2. Remove the doors and drawers

Take out the doors of the cabinet and remove the drawers as well as other items of hardware. A screwdriver can help you remove all these items. Before painting the inside parts of the cabinet, remove the shelves. The next step requires cleaning of the surfaces with a good household cleaner. If the surfaces are very greasy or soiled, you can make use of TSP to remove the grease. Since TSP is very harsh, be sure to wear protective eye gear and a pair of gloves. After applying the TSP wash the surface with water and then allow the surface to dry.

3. Prepare the work area

It is now time to prepare the work area. Place drop cloths or newspapers over the flooring and other items of furnishing. A painter’s tape should be used to mask the walls as well as appliances. If there is any part of the cabinet that is chipped or damaged, repair these with the help of a putty knife and non-shrinking putty. Let the putty dry before sanding it smooth with some 180 grit sandpaper.

4. Do the sanding

Sand each part of the vinyl cabinet that is to be painted. This will help to roughen up the area and make it easy for the primer and the paint to adhere properly. Before proceeding further, take a tack cloth or damp rag and wipe the surface and remove all traces of dust from the surface.

5. Apply primer

Now take the primer and apply it on the surface that is to be painted. Use a good quality paintbrush for this and make sure that you are priming each and every edge of the doors and the shelves as well as the flat surfaces. When applying the primer, be sure to use smooth and long strokes and try not to apply the primer in too thick a manner. Be sure to also prime the inside of the cabinet and prime the back of the cabinet first and then do the top and sides as well as bottom. The primer should take about eight hours to dry; so, let the primer dry overnight before moving on to applying the first coat of paint.

The first coat of paint should be applied like you applied the primer. Once the first coat has dried up completely, you can then apply the second coat and then allow it to dry up completely. Finally, reassemble the vinyl cabinet and wait between fourteen and thirty days for the paint to cure. That’s it!

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How To Paint Vinyl Cabinets