Painting Veneer Cabinets

The good thing about painting veneer cabinets is that it is no different than painting on solid wood cabinets. All that is required is to have rudimentary painting skills and in addition the entire work can be completed in a single day.

What you need

Before starting, it is important to have all the required tools and materials on hand. These include:

1. Apply water-based enamel paint

After obtaining all the required material and tools, the next step requires use of water-based enamel paint. Though it is possible to use other types of paint, it makes more sense to use water-based enamel paint as it is easy to clean up after completing the paint work and it also saves trouble in the long run.

2. Remove doors and drawers

Next, take out the doors and drawers from the cabinet and then take out other items of hardware including handles and knobs. These should be placed in a safe place so that when the time comes to replace them, you will not have any trouble. Be sure to give the cabinets a good look to find signs of damage. These should be repaired and the joints and gaps should also be caulked.

3. Clean cabinets with TSP

Now it is time to use some TSP to clean the cabinets. A mild solution of TSP can do a good job of removing grease and grime as well as dirt from all the surfaces that are to be painted. Be sure to wear gloves when handling the TSP solution as this will eliminate the risk of irritating your sensitive skin.

After cleaning the cabinet surfaces with TSP it is time to give the surface a light sanding over. Make use of a 220 grit sandpaper for this task. Lightly sand the surfaces and then wipe down with a nice piece of dampened cloth. This will help in removing all traces of dust and the surface will then be ready to receive the primer and paint.

4. Apply primer

Apply a coat of primer on the surfaces and make sure that the primer is applied in an even and uniform manner. Use smooth strokes in the direction of the wood grain. After the first coat of primer has been applied you need to wait for between one and two hours for the primer to dry. Next, sand the surface lightly with the help of 220 grit sandpaper. After the sanding, wipe the surface clean with a piece of cloth.

5. Apply final coat of paint

Now it is time to paint the final coat of paint. Be sure to apply this coat in an even manner and then wait for about two hours for the second coat to cure. Allow enough time for the coat to dry as this will ensure a harder as well as more durable finish.

After painting the cabinet, it is time to paint the doors as well as drawers. Two coats will be enough for these items and be sure to let the first coat dry up completely before applying the second coat.

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Painting Veneer Cabinets