Lacquer Paint Cabinets

Lacquer paint cabinets were first introduced in the twenties, soon after the end of the First World War. Lacquer is a finish that is superior to most other finishes and it has moisture repellant features that make it very suitable for use in cabinets.

What you need to have on hand

Good option

Lacquer paint cabinets are a good choice. It is possible to use lacquer in different forms including those that have plenty of elasticity. Lacquer is also available in different degrees of color and it is available in different levels of water resistance. For more information about which kind of lacquer is best for your needs, be sure to ask a supplier.

Complex finish

Lacquer offers a complex finish which means that it has many different components. Mostly, it is made of cotton mixed with wood and often it is also made with resin. Lacquer also provides a film finish which indicates that it will not penetrate the wood but instead will ride on the surface. When you add an additional coat of lacquer the new coat will melt with the existing coat and become one with it. In this lacquer is different from shellac and varnish as well as polyurethane – each of which does not melt with existing layers.

Spraying is required

It is easy to paint lacquer to a cabinet surface. All that is required is a spray though it is also possible to brush it though this is a lot more difficult than spraying it. Spraying is a better option because the lacquer that is applied dries up very fast and therefore it does not make much sense to use a brush to add lacquer to a surface. The nice thing about the speed with which lacquer dries up is that in doing so it prevents problems related to dust. The only time when it pays to use a brush to apply the lacquer is when you are using brushing lacquer.

Mix lacquer with solvent

Painting lacquer on the cabinet requires the lacquer to be mixed with a solvent which in turn is usually a lacquer thinner. If you are using colored lacquer then the solvent needs to be mixed in equal proportions. A supplier can help you understand just how much solvent is needed. The nice thing about painting a cabinet with lacquer is that it is possible to apply the paint in all weather conditions. All that is required is proper ventilation. In humid conditions be sure to add a retarder to the lacquer. The retarder will slow the pace at which the lacquer dries up.

It never pays to add an extra thick layer of lacquer as this will result in unwanted cracking. If you want the lacquer painted cabinet to look old, then you need to use lacquer that is formulated for that very purpose. Up to four coats of lacquer should be applied on the lacquer cabinet.

When handling lacquer be sure to understand that it is very inflammable and dangerous to use. It also pollutes the air. So, be sure to wear a ventilating mask when handling the lacquer and also have proper air ventilation when you are spraying the lacquer.

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Lacquer Paint Cabinets