Painting Inside Kitchen Cabinets

Painting inside kitchen cabinets is something that makes sense. When redoing a kitchen cabinet it is important to spare a though to painting inside kitchen cabinets. Many people tend to overlook this part of the painting work but painting inside kitchen cabinets is nevertheless an important element in so far as creating a finish that is professional and pleasing go. Painting the insides of a kitchen cabinet should be done prior to painting the facing and sides. This helps to prevent mistakes and drips. By painting inside kitchen cabinets, it is also possible to incorporate different looks.

What you need

Here is a look at the things that are required to complete the job:
• Paint
• Screwdriver
• Paintbrush
• Damp cloth
• Fine sandpaper
• Primer

1. Remove cabinet doors and shelves

Start the process of painting inside kitchen cabinets by removing the cabinet doors and the shelves if these are not fixed in place. You can remove the doors by using a screwdriver. Once these have been removed and stored in a safe place, you can then start to sand the interiors of your kitchen cabinet with the help of a fine sandpaper. Each and every part of the cabinet should be sanded including the bottom and top as well as the shelves that had been taken out.

2. Wipe away sawdust

After sanding the cabinet and doors, be sure to clean away the sawdust with the help of a damp cloth. Allow enough time for the cabinet to dry before proceeding to the next step. After the cabinet has dried out completely, it is time to apply the primer.

3. Apply the primer

When applying the primer, make sure that the coat is thin and even. This can be achieved by using a paintbrush which will also help you to prime the inside of your kitchen cabinet. It is also important to prime the rear wall of the cabinet and after that has been primed; you can then prime the ceiling of the kitchen cabinet. It also helps if you paint the primer on the cabinet’s side walls and then apply the primer to the bottom of the cabinet. Allow enough time for the primer to dry before proceeding further. You should check the product label to find out how much time is required for the primer to dry.

Once the primer has been applied and after it has dried out completely, it is then time to apply a coat of paint. Be sure to paint the inside of the kitchen cabinet in the same manner as you did when applying the primer. A wide paintbrush should be used and when applying the paint make sure that you use strokes that are long as well as even. Allow the paint to dry before replacing the shelves. Once the paint has dried up and the shelves have been replaced you can then reattach the cabinet doors.

4. Paint the shelves

It pays to paint the shelves in a different color than the interiors. This will help to give the cabinet a quirkier and more charming look. Be sure that you do not apply too much paint as that would result in drip marks.

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Painting Inside Kitchen Cabinets