Two Tone Painted Kitchen Cabinets

It pays to paint your kitchen cabinets in two tone paint. The job can be completed in about ten steps. Before proceeding further, it pays to find out a little bit about the materials and tools that are required to complete the job properly.

Here is a look at the materials and tools that you need to use to paint your cabinet in two-tone paint:

1. Clean the cabinets

After acquiring the tools and materials required to complete the task, it is time to clean the cabinets. To clean the cabinet one needs to mix a quarter cup of TSP with a gallon of water. Using gloves, you need to degrease or thoroughly clean the cabinet front, its drawers and frames. Then with a sponge dipped in clean water, wipe away all the residual TSP and get ready for the next step.

2. Remove cabinets and drawers

Take out the cabinets and drawers. For this, one need to unscrew the hinges from the cabinet and one also needs to remove the drawers. Store the hinges on the face of the frame if you think that these should be painted over.

It is now time to label the drawers and cabinets. It makes sense to number or even name the cabinet on its backside. This will help you know just where each one goes when the time comes to replace them.

3. Sand the cabinet

After labeling the cabinets and drawers, one has to sand the cabinet and the drawer fronts. Make use of the 220 grit sandpaper and lightly sand over the surface. Sanding the cabinet surface helps to ensure that the paint will stick well to the surface. Before proceeding further, be sure to wipe away the dust from the surface which should be clean and dry.

It is now time to cover up the working area and you also need to tape off the walls and the ceiling as well as the shelves located inside the cabinet. One can also apply painter’s paper which can be attached with some painter’s tape to the center panels of the doors of the cabinet.

4. Apply the base-coat

Apply the base-coat. This is a step that should be completed if the cabinet has dents in it. Use a mini roller to apply the base coat on the drawers and frames as well as the front and the back of the doors. This is however not the time to paint the front center panel of the cabinet. Be sure to apply the paint in the direction of the wood grain and use a good quality paint brush to apply the paint. Allow enough time for the paint to dry before applying a second coat.

Paint the center panel with a mini roller and paint only in the direction of the wood grain. Then allow enough time for the paint to dry and apply a second coat if it is necessary. It is also now time to accent the trim areas with some metallic paint which should be applied with an artist’s paintbrush.

The penultimate step requires you to apply the glaze. Once the glaze has dried up it is time to replace the hardware that was taken out prior to the two tone paint job.

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Two Tone Painted Kitchen Cabinets